Wednesday, March 28, 2007


we found out we are having triplets last week friday (3/23/07). it was most definately the biggest shock of our lives! (especially considering we were not on any fertility drugs.) we had no idea twins or triplets even ran in our families. but we have gotten over the shock and are so thankful to God that all babies are doing well; two are nine ounces and the little one is seven ounces.

we hope to use this blog to keep our friends and family updated on all the medical appointments and as i grow as big as a house. we ask everyone for their prayers that the babies contiue to remain healthy and get all the nourishment they need - it is going to get a bit crowded in there.
i am off work on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy, so i would love visitors :)

for those of you who were (like us) expecting a due date of 8/21/07, we are now looking at a due date of 7/10/07, which will be 34 weeks. the doctor said by that point the babies have grown as much as they can under the circumstances of being in close quarters with each other and trying to all get the nourishment they need. it may be sooner than 34 weeks but that is what we and the doctors are hoping for (we have two doctors now - one is our regular obstetrician and the other is the high risk pregnancy doctor). the goal is to keep the babies in the womb as long as possible as long as they are continuing to gain weight. pray, pray, pray!!!


FaithChristine said...

wow! wow! wow! That is absolutely amazing! congratulations and I look forward to following/being part of your journey! lots of love to all of you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Unbelievable!

WoolleyGirl said...

Sheller!!! I cannot believe it! I had no idea you were pregnant. I am in so much shock...I really wish I lived close so that I could visit you and bring you lots of healthy meals for all those babies. Next time I am in Ohio, I will come visit you!!! Love, Tara

Triplet Mom said...

Hi, Congratulations! You don't know me, but I am a friend of Lynette's. I had triplet girls 7 months ago! We made it to 34 weeks and they were all over 4 lbs. You can do it!

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