On May 4, we had a very special Dedication ceremony at church for our daughters. We wrote a letter as a covenant to the girls about some promises we make in raising them and want to share it with our blog readers so you can help hold us accountable in how we parent these precious gifts from God. Our Family Covenant
May 4, 2008
Dear Keegan, Samantha & Maggie,
We will always remember receiving the most shocking and wonderful news of our lives. At a normal prenatal appointment, our doctor suggested an ultrasound with a suspicious smile. As we sat in the waiting area, we snuck a peak at the doctor’s order and saw that the doctor suspected twins. However, ten minutes later, we found out we were going to have triplets. Oh, how our world changed and what an amazing journey it has been! We quickly changed gears from preparing for one baby to planning for three bundles of joy.
Girls, we are here today, before many of our family and friends, to celebrate not only your birth but also, with God’s help, to make a series of commitments to you and to one another.
As your mom, I promise to:
- To guide your journey in becoming the women God has created each one of you to be,
- To help you pull pranks on your dad,
- To hold your hand when you cross the street and let you run free in the park,
- To teach you how to sew and be crafty,
- To watch every episode of Gilmore Girls with you as many times as you want, and
- To laugh and cry with you when times are good and bad
As your dad, I promise:
- To teach you how to change a flat tire,
- To explain the rules of baseball and soccer,
- To pass on my love of music, reading, and learning,
- To drag you to art museums,
- To watch chic flicks with you
- To dance with you whenever and wherever you want, and
- To be a God fearing male role model so you will have good relationships with men in the future.
As a couple, we promise:
- To love and stay committed to each other,
- To say we are sorry when we have wronged each other, and
- To keep God at the center of our marriage.
As your parents, we promise:
- To love you unconditionally each day the Lord gives us together,
- To give you words of encouragement and guidance,
- To help you develop the wonderful strengths and gifts God has blessed you with,
- To pray for you daily and discipline in love,
- To teach you to be respectful to others and help those in need,
- To encourage you to love and enjoy life to the fullest,
- To provide a safe home for you to grow and develop ~ where your needs will be met, you can be free to be yourselves, and know that you forever have a place to come home to,
- And most importantly, we promise to demonstrate our love of God, and His creation, every single day so that each of you too will come to accept the Lord as your personal Savior and make Him the priority of your lives.
There is a verse we want to share with you in
Deuteronomy 6: 5-7
5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Our prayer for each one of you is that you will learn to love the Lord as your Heavenly Father with all your heart, soul, and strength. We will do our best to teach you the importance of this and are challenged to live our lives in a way that will only encourage your relationship with God.
We don’t know what the future holds but expect that there will be challenges along the way. Through it all, we promise to stay committed to God, one another, and the three of you for the rest of our lives. Thank you for teaching us how to become better people and challenging us to examine our strengths and weaknesses. We feel so completely blessed by the birth of our three beautiful daughters and are completely blown away by the blessings and joy each one of you has brought to our lives! We are already so proud of our girls and look forward to each new day that God gives us together.
With God helping us, we pledge to live this covenant each day.
Your Dad & Mom